Thursday, February 16, 2012

Justin Trudeau: Genius or Jackass

On the surface he's a genius if he runs for leader.  His latest controversy has done three things.  First he positions himself as a National unity figure in Quebec, and a champion of traditional "Liberal"  Canadian Values to the rest of us.  Second, he gets attention for his party- a hard task that usually falls to Bob Rae. It further cements the Liberals as the unofficial opposition... has anyone heard from Turmel lately?  And third; it starts attacking Harper; another long-standing tactic of any political party attack the other guy instead of telling me what you will do for me.

Circumstances could still turn him into a jackass. Quebec Separatists are already spinning  Trudeau's latest remarks to their advantage.   A federalist, especially one with the last name of Trudeau saying under certain circumstances he would support a separate Quebec... well that's a veritable gold mine for the Parti Quebecois and Bloc Quebecois.  When taken with Charest's unpopularity, it could awaken the Quebec soveriegnist movement everyone thought was dying off.

People could also wake up and realize that guess what; this Prime Minister Stephen Harper guy isn't so bad.  It's been six years, and the country isn't that bad off.  The thing is every time the issues of abortion, and same sex marriage come up he has refused to re-open the issue.  He even quashed a private members bill on Abortion from his own party; what more does the guy have to do?

The jury is still out for me.  At the moment though, I'm putting him down as a genius, but circumstances can still make him a jackass. 

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