Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Protesting Page

It's a free country- we can do whatever we want, say whatever we want.  We have the right to peacefully protest including holding up an octagonal sign saying "Stop Harper" when the man is sitting less than 10 feet away.  That's what Senate Page Brigette Depape did at the Throne Speech.  She was of course ushered by security out of the Senate, and promptly fired.

There is a time, and a place for that kind of thing.  In this case, it was likely outside on the lawns of Parliament Hill- would that have created the stir? No probably not.  But keep in mind there was a news release on the one-woman show before the speech, combine that with facebook, and other methods of social networking; she might have had something there.  But instead, she disrupted what was a rather important occasion.

What I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around is why now? She worked in the senate for a year; and had four before that to protest.  If she felt that strongly why did she wait until now? She was a Senate Page; someone that can bend the ear of some powerful people- why not try and talk to Majory LeBreton- the Government leader in the Senate, and a cabinet minister to boot or any one of the senators from any party.  A healthy exchange of ideas never hurt anyone; she could have even changed somebody's mind about an issue and made a difference.

The other issue I have is her call for a so-called "Arab spring."  She needs to put it into perspective- what many are fighting for in the Middle East, is democracy- the right to have a voice and be heard by their governments.  Guess what Brigette?  We already have that- it's alive and kicking; that's why you weren't thrown in jail the minute after you produced that sign asking us to "Stop Harper."  

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