Saturday, January 14, 2012

Free Advice for the Liberal Party

In a shocking result, the federal Liberals went from Canada's second Party to Canada's third Party. Their stature took a huge hit, and left them asking the question of how to regain their former glory? How do they regain that former second party status?I think I have some free advice if you will from someone who just wants a third choice when we go to the polls in the next federal election.

My first is to redefine yourselves as the ideas party.  What made the party work under Chretien was that you had the ideas to make Canada better, and the financial resources thanks to Paul Martin to make that happen. Become that party again; combine bold ideas and the finances that made them possible.  If you've got the ideas; if you've got the substance then anyone can lead the party.

My second idea is about who could make it happen. I think Shelia Copps would make a great President.  From everything I read/see/ and hear of her in the media, I think she's got the spine to make the necessary changes, and really crack the whip so to speak.  She could also help interim leader Bob Rae get some attention for the party; something that's hard with the Liberals at its third-party ranking.

And as for the leadership; I'd close the door on Bob Rae running. Rae was Ontario's former Premier in the early '90'sbest known for "Rae Days-" which were days Public Sector Workers (nurses, teachers, and doctors) took off without pay.  Many still remember what conditions were like under his Premiership, and I think were he to take the permanent leadership of the federal Liberal Party, Ontario would be dead to the Liberals for the duration.  And one thing all political parties know is that you need Ontario and its 100+ electoral seats to have any chance at winning a federal election.

If not Rae, then who?
I would go for a complete unknown quantity.  Someone younger that could energize the party, and reach out, and engage Canadian youth.  I'd pick someone who is unattached to either Chretien or Paul Martin; someone who is unafraid to break some of the well established  traditions and make their own.  It should be someone who maybe has their own ideas, and their own way of doing things.  An ambitious job description? Yes, but if the party wants to succeed and perhaps win the next federal election.

This has been some free advice for the Liberals; take it for what it's worth.  Wanted, or notI have plenty more where this comes from, so stay tuned.


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