Sunday, April 17, 2011

We can do better than that

I watched the English Language debate last week, as I'm sure a lot of you did. It didn't really change my vote- I was leaning Conservative before the debate, and I'm still leaning that way.  But as I was watching it, I had the overwhelming thought that we can do better.

It was essentially four older men in a room, talking (or in Ignatieff's case sometimes lecturing) to each other.  They didn't capture our imaginations with ideas, or catch each other up too much in a lie.  And we can do better than that, because the fact is- the vision of four men in a room doesn't reflect Canada anymore; it hasn't for sometime now.   

The Canada that I know, is full of dynamic, interesting people with creative ideas for addressing our country's problems.  It's full of smart, engaging women who believe they can make a difference.  Look for a moment at our riding; the four major parties are represented by women- Liberal Connie Laurin-Bowie, NDP: Pat Heroux, Conservatives- Lisa Raitt, and Green Party's Judi Remigio.  The New Democratic Party alone, has 123 female candidates running across the country.  And yet  Green Party leader Elizabeth May the only female leader who could reflect the increased numbers of women in politics of all stripes wasn't invited to the debate?? How out-of touch was that?? 

At the same time, Canadians grow tired of the same old way of doing things. We are craving new ideas and a vision for the country.  We grow cynical, and jaded as the same lines are trotted out again, and again- "Coalitions bad, majority good," "Harper doesn't care about health care," "Ignatieff isn't back for you," and so, on.  We grow tired of the political scandals, and the way it appears that the default is to damage control first, and apologize last.   And I'm tired of the negativity- don't tell me what the Harper Conservatives won't do, tell us what Ignatieff Liberals will do.  The debate brought home to me that we can do better than the choices we have.  We just have to demand it.

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